
Phase 1

Among the students, they are going to be divided into two equal groups, it cannot be done in pairs or small groups, just two groups in the entire classroom.

Phase 2.

Between the groups, each group should take out one person per group and as the activity progresses, different students will come out for each question, The teacher chooses at random from a series of papers with questions, she will take out a paper that gets a question with the answer and a picture of the answer and the two students who left each group must read the question to their group and give clues describing the picture or the answer to the question, The two students are free to use the description they want to capture what the answer is but without saying the answer, the student in the group that first raises their hand and says the answer gets a point, at the end the group with the most points wins.

Phase 3.

The students will watch a video about vocabulary of the universe and they will make a text made up of 10 sentences that describe or talk about 10 words about the universe, for example: galaxy, sun, comet, asteroid, satellite, planets, etc. And when they finish the text they will read what they wrote.

Phase 4.

Students do a complete activity about the universe to learn a little more about vocabulary.

                      3.      complete the sentences correctly.

   galaxies         earth            Moon         Star             milky way

The sun is a ________________________

The satellite of the earth is the moon ______________________

Our solar system is in the _______________________

The universe is full of  __________________

The planet where we live is the _______________________________


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The universe